by Dean Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:26 am
Chris wrote: Dan wrote: Chris wrote: Dan wrote:I meant without tickets didn't I you prat, it's pretty bleeding obvious.
Well type what you mean then you stupid prick.
Like you've never made a typo before.
True, lets get back on subject.
If there were not enough fans there to cause a crush and a crush happened you must be wrong.
Chris, of course fans were gunna' turn up without tickets, that's what it was like (it still happens now) it happened every week, but there were obviously clear guide lines and strict rules the police had to stick too, to ensure a disaster never happened. Now on this day, for what ever reason (it could be in them documents, we don't know) these 'guide lines' and 'rules' were not upheld or obeyed by the police, 96 people lost their lives. It could even be something different.
Are you telling me, the football authorities and the police DID NOT know going into that Semi Final on April 15th, that were would be excessive crowds?