by Guest Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:53 am
James wrote: Alan wrote:James if it was not for me, you would leave this forum. Because Hull is always dull, get out as you are young and should be experiencing fresh air once in your life.
Heard it all now, you calling yourself an asset to this forum.
Your second sentence made no sense, how would Hull being dull persuade me to go out more?
Al, you are just a circus freak.
Not an asset to the forum as such, but me being on here is an asset to yourself. Well brains let me explain to you, if you are permantly locked in the fucking house in
Hull or anywhere and you have never seen the light of day of course its going to be dull.
And when your life consists of being on here making accusations about people and posting complete vile rubbish it tells me you need help.
Maybe you should just join the Circus, because ive heard they are always on the look out for clowns.