Lux wrote: Laurencio wrote:Does that look like video footage the FA would be using? Cause it doesn't at all look like it was made by SKY
You do know that the FA got it's video evidence from broadcasters such as SKY, right? Do you think they have their own private footage or something?
You just repeated what I said. That footage doesn't look like it was made by SKY, as such it is highly unlikely it was used in the case.
Lux wrote: ResurrectionRooney wrote:What's wrong with believe Evra over Suarez? One of them is lying and one of them is telling the truth, and they had to make a judgement over which man was telling the truth, and which was lying. There's never going to be conclusive evidence in that situation. Given that Evra was consistent with his story, and has no interest in seeing an innocent man punished, and Suarez changed his story multiple times, and has every interest in being found innocent, only an idiot would believe Suarez over Evra.
Biased thinking to say the least. I wouldn't trust Evra or Suarez.
They didn't have to make any judgement. If evidence is insufficient then the case should be dropped.....IMO.
If anyone would just please read the damn document you would all see that Suarez testimony directly contradicted what Comolli and Dalglish had said to Mariner after the match, that his story changed to the extent that he was, in the eyes of the comission, unreliable.
There are a number of highly unlikely scenarios that would have to be present for Suarez' account to be accurate.
You see in the scenario being presented, now with all the facts on the table, Evra would have to be a mastermind of epic proportions who from the second of telling Giggs and Mariner he was being racially abused hatched a plan that would see Suarez banned as revenge for a fairly nonsensical foul.
He then proceeded by getting every player interviewed to colaborate on his state of mind during the match and the outrage he seemed to have, by spinning a clever web of deception. He did this by either lying to every one of them, and putting on an acting display even Humphry Bogart would envy, or by convincing everyone to lie for him. This deception, or potential conspiracy, included the referee, the coaching staff and a number of players. Including, but not limited to, Ryan Giggs, Javier Hernandez, David De Gea and Luis Nani.
Afer ensuring his state of mind and false anger at these events was backed up by these supporting players, he proceeded to decieve the referee, at this point both Dalglish and Comolli were notified. Comolli and Dalglish asked Suarez what had happened, and on the request of Mariner, recolected what their player had said, including spelling what Saurez had claimed to have said: "You are black". Comolli was asked to spell the word as Mariner's knowledge of spanish wasn't very good and Comolli was fluent. "You are black" is clearly written in spanish in the referee report, sworn by Mariner to be dictated by Comolli. Comolli confirmed having dictated the words Suarez claimed to have used to Mariner.
Saurez then admitts to having fouled Evra (A normal foul he says in his testimony), an event a few people now claim never happened. He also admitts to having called Evra "negro", but claims he used it in a friendly manner. Acocrding to the report he also denies having acted the way the video footage presented showed, and made changes to his story.
Evra, now clearly in control of the situation, uses his acting ability and charm to convince the comission that he is telling the truth, this by staying clear of any inconsistencies. He makes a number of concessions such as not knowing that the word "negro" does not mean the same as the french "negré", and he also tells the comission he does not believe Suarez is a racist and doesn't know why Suarez he would use such language towards him. He also presents Suarez as a great player, a man of staut character, and a great personality who he has great resepect for.
And thus his plan to have Suarez severly punished for dearing to make a minor indescretion towards him is complete.
In the other scenario we have Suarez saying something he really shouldn't have said in the response to Evra being a general dick (he definitely can be one). In an attempt to avoid a lengthy ban for their best player the club and the player stretches the truth a little in an attempt to have the case dismissed. Liverpool's lawyer attempts to discredit Evra as a witness the best he can, but ultimately fails.
Honestly, the most likely scenario is Suarez having a slip of the tounge.