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Theo Filippo
Childish Logic
28 posters

    Republican Nominees


    Who would you vote for?

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    Total Votes: 32
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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:58 pm

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 K04Jy

    Talk about close. eek

    Posts : 50010

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by SBSP Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:10 pm

    ahlycotc wrote:@RonPaul
    Ron Paul
    @JonHuntsman we found your one Iowa voter, he's in Linn precinct 5 you might want to call him and say thanks.

    Wow, what a dick thing to say. Laughing
    rofl rofl

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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by chemicalrubber Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:08 pm

    Insider reports are that Romney won by 14 votes.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:04 pm

    The Iowa caucus said Romney wins by just 8 votes! What a fucking close race. This has got to be some record. It doesn't really matter anyways because Romney, Santorum, and Paul each get 7 delegates. Gingrich and Perry got 2 each while Bachmann and Huntsman got 0.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:51 pm

    Imagine the conversation at the next family dinner. rofl

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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by chemicalrubber Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:18 pm

    ahlycotc wrote:The Iowa caucus said Romney wins by just 8 votes! What a fucking close race. This has got to be some record. It doesn't really matter anyways because Romney, Santorum, and Paul each get 7 delegates. Gingrich and Perry got 2 each while Bachmann and Huntsman got 0.

    Are the delegates directly proportional to the votes? I read elsewhere that it would be divided 6, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1 to the top five.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:21 pm

    chemicalrubber wrote:
    ahlycotc wrote:The Iowa caucus said Romney wins by just 8 votes! What a fucking close race. This has got to be some record. It doesn't really matter anyways because Romney, Santorum, and Paul each get 7 delegates. Gingrich and Perry got 2 each while Bachmann and Huntsman got 0.

    Are the delegates directly proportional to the votes? I read elsewhere that it would be divided 6, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1 to the top five.

    I'm not quite sure how the Iowa caucus works. It's complicated and each state has its own rules. But the numbers I reported are what I got from CNN. Apparently there are 25 bound delegates (or pledged) and there will be an additional 3 unpledged delegates who are free to choose any candidate.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:11 am

    Bachmann drops out. Thank God. I don't want to listen to that woman again.

    Unfortunately, Rick Perry is continuing on.

    Posts : 5335

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Mustangt125 Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:51 am

    Well I guess it's Santorum's turn to see what the liberal media machine does to him. They've all had their turn, now it's his.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:52 am

    I think they will attack Romney more than Santorum.

    Posts : 5335

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Mustangt125 Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:56 am

    I think they will attack Santorum more. If you look at the brief history of this Republican race, it has basically been Romney at the top along with 1 other candidate. At one time it was Bachmann, then Gingrich, then Perry, then Gingrich again.

    Each time, the media went real hard. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars the past few weeks just crushing Gingrich at every turn here in Iowa.

    This time, it's likely to be Santorum's turn. And he will be easier to attack for the liberals because he is outwardly socially conservative.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:58 am

    Are you in Iowa?

    Posts : 5335

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Mustangt125 Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:59 am


    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:02 am

    Romney has the best chance in beating Obama imo. So I don't see why they want to defeat his top competitors. It would make sense to fragment the voters.

    Posts : 5335

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Mustangt125 Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:08 am

    I agree, he stands the best chance of uniting republicans and some independents in order to beat Obama, which is an absolute must. That's why I think he will win the nomination.

    That's a good point, but trust me it has happened. We are bombarded with these political ads, hopefully we get a break now.

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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by El_indian Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:30 am

    ahlycotc wrote:

    Imagine the conversation at the next family dinner. rofl

    Laughing nice.

    where did this Santorum guy come from?

    this is the first I've heard of him..

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:21 pm


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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Muhkoo Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:18 pm

    All for letting Santorum win, he scares the crap out of the swing voters. And probably many of the relatively reasonable republicans too.

    The most interesting thing i heard about the election so far was perhaps the importance of vice president for Romney, someone that is not like him given that he is a Mormon and overall so very boring. Perry could be a good choice for him, he seems a bit crazy, like Cheney was for Bush, except that he is also part Bush with the being Texan and not that great with them words coming out of the mouth. Not that the current VP is any better Razz

    My favorite of the bunch is still Huntsman but when the old guy that no one listens to is picking on him that's just sad. Still don't think Obama will lose, not that ill freely put my faith in the public. Hell we messed up pretty bad here and our new government seems more confused than most of the people that voted for them.

    A question though, what does it require to vote in the US, do you have to be citizen or just have a green card/visa to work and live there?

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:21 pm

    Speaking of Santorum...
    (CNN) -- There are two Rick Santorums: The first one I might not agree with, but the second one truly scares me.
    "Santorum One" pushes for less government regulation for corporations and shrinking the federal government. You may or may not agree with these positions, but they are both mainstream conservative fare.
    Then there's "Santorum Two." This Santorum wants to impose conservative Christian law upon America. Am I being hyperbolic or overly dramatic with this statement? I wish I were, but I'm not.

    Plainly put, Rick Santorum wants to convert our current legal system into one that requires our laws to be in agreement with religious law, not unlike what the Taliban want to do in Afghanistan.
    Santorum is not hiding this. The only reason you may not be aware of it is because up until his recent surge in the polls, the media were ignoring him. However, "Santorum Two" was out there telling anyone who would listen.
    He told a crowd at a November campaign stop in Iowa in no uncertain terms, "our civil laws have to comport with a higher law: God's law."
    On Thanksgiving Day at an Iowa candidates' forum, he reiterated: "We have civil laws, but our civil laws have to comport with the higher law."

    Yes, that means exactly what you think it does: Santorum believes that each and every one of our government's laws must match God's law, warning that "as long as there is a discordance between the two, there will be agitation." I'm not exactly sure what "agitation" means in this context, but I think it's a code word for something much worse than acid reflux.
    And as an aside, when Santorum says "God," he means "not any god (but) the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." So, if your god differs from Rick's, your god's views will be ignored, just like the father is on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians."
    Some of you might be asking: How far will "Santorum Two" take this? It's not like he's going to base public policy decisions on Bible passages, right?
    Well, here's what Santorum had to say just last week when asked about his opposition to gay marriage: "We have Judeo-Christian values that are based on biblical truth. ... And those truths don't change just because people's attitudes may change."
    Santorum could not be more unambiguous: His policy decisions will be based on "biblical truths," and as he noted, these "truths" will not change regardless of whether public opinion has evolved since the time the Bible was written thousands of years ago.
    Imagine if either of the two Muslim members of Congress declared their support for a proposed American law based on verses from the Quran. The outcry would be deafening, especially from people like Santorum.
    One of the great ironies is that Santorum has been a leader in sounding alarm bells that Muslims want to impose Islamic law -- called Sharia law -- upon non-Muslims in America. While Santorum fails to offer even a scintilla of credible evidence to support this claim, he continually warns about the "creeping" influence of Muslim law.
    Santorum's fundamental problem with Sharia law is that it's "not just a religious code. It is also a governmental code. It happens to be both religious in nature and origin, but it is a civil code."
    Consequently, under the Sharia system, the civil laws of the land must comport with God's law. Now, where did I hear about someone wanting to impose only laws that agree with God's law in America?
    So, what type of nation might the United States be under Rick Santorum's Sharia law?
    1. Rape victims would be forced to give birth to the rapist's child. Santorum has stated that his religious beliefs dictate that life begins at conception, and as a result, rape victims would be sentenced to carrying the child of the rapist for nine months.
    2. Gay marriages would be annulled. Santorum recently declared that not only does he oppose gay marriages, but he supports a federal constitutional amendment that would ban them, invalidating all previous gay marriages that have legally been sanctioned by states and thus callously destroying marriages and thrusting families into chaos.
    3. Santorum would ban all federal funding for birth control and would not oppose any state that wanted to pass laws making birth control illegal.
    4. No porn! I'm not kidding. Santorum signed "The Marriage Vow" pledge (PDF) authored by the Family Leader organization, under which he swears to oppose pornography. I think many would agree that alone should disqualify him from being president.
    To me, "Santorum Two" truly poses an existential threat to the separation of church and state, one of the bedrock principles of our nation since its inception. Not only did Thomas Jefferson speak of the need to create "a wall of separation between church and state," so did Santorum's idol, Ronald Reagan, who succinctly stated, "church and state are, and must remain, separate."
    While there may be millions of Americans who in their heart agree with the views of "Santorum Two," it is my hope they will reject any attempts to move America closer to a becoming the Afghanistan of the Western Hemisphere.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:23 pm

    Muhkoo wrote:A question though, what does it require to vote in the US, do you have to be citizen or just have a green card/visa to work and live there?

    You have to be a US citizen and at least 18 years of age.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:26 pm

    What do you have to be, to run for President?

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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Roloman4 Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:28 pm

    Cam wrote:What do you have to be, to run for President?

    Over 30 I think, and born in the USA.

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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by ResurrectionRooney Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:31 pm

    Cam wrote:What do you have to be, to run for President?
    It's a shame the Constitution is such a rare, closely guarded, secret document or you could find out yourself.

    You have to be at least 35 years of age, have lived in the US for 14 years, and either have been a citizen at the time the Constitution was drafted, or be a natural born citizen of the USA.

    Last edited by ResurrectionRooney on Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:33 pm

    The ignore list. not worthy

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    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by ResurrectionRooney Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:35 pm

    It's only on this forum that ignorance is a badge of honour.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:35 pm

    Cam wrote:The ignore list. not worthy

    It's a good thing you have him on ignore. He was being a dick to you while answering the question.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:36 pm

    Oh no!

    Posts : 5335

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Mustangt125 Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:46 am

    Granted, none of the Republican candidates are perfect. In any list of candidates for anything, they all have problems.

    This is one of the most important elections in modern American history, if not the most important. We have to win and defeat Obama because we are heading in the wrong direction. We tried his stuff, they all failed, let's move on from our mistake.

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:23 am

    ahlycotc wrote:

    Damn, strong words, even if true. I don't like attack ads. Just say what your own views are and if you want to attack a certain aspect of another candidate, keep it for the debates.

    Posts : 50010

    Republican Nominees - Page 13 Empty Re: Republican Nominees

    Post by SBSP Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:25 am

    ahlycotc wrote:
    not worthy

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