ahlycotc wrote:Does your reputation affect game difficulty? For example, is International Footballer easier than Sunday League Footballer. I know it affects which teams offer you a job, but does it affect the game difficulty too?
it does a little. your players won't respond to your team talks and they won't be as motivated to play for you. i'm not sure what's lower, sunday league footballer or automatic. in FM11, i started my reputation as an international footballer and i can tell my team "i expect a win" before every match and they respond positively
on the top of my head, i can think of a few things that can affect game difficulty:
1 - squad bonuses (affects player motivation pre-match)
2 - manager reputation (affects overall player motivation as long as you're in charge and affects team talks and player interactions)
3 - picking your squad captain (affects player motivation during matches)
4 - (debatable) creative freedom.... more creative freedom = easier because players will do what they want regardless of your tactics. less creative freedom = more difficult because players will always stick to your plan. so if your tactics mess up, they mess up. you basically have to take more responsibility for your actions