ResurrectionRooney wrote:Simonc89 wrote:You should be able to name any combination of players from the 25 man squad without question. Who decides which player is better than which? They've hardly stuck 11 players in the 25 man squad and filled it out with part time plumbers and builders after giving out leaflets at the pub. They're all professional footballers who should be capable at that level to some degree. If they are eligble to play for your team under the regulations, then there should not be an issue. You've got to look at the season as a whole.
What about the teams around their opponents? It's hardly fair on them is it?
If anything, it helps the opponents, as they will probably be facing up against an inferior team. Anyway, a team should be allowed to play any member of their squad. I encourage teams to rest their top players in unimportant matches, as it gives the rest of the squad a chance to get their game and prove themselves.