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Childish Logic
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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..


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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by menalawyerguy Sat May 07, 2011 10:17 pm

    Lux wrote:
    menalawyerguy wrote:If you say so. I think they're both a group of bad motherfuckers...but that's just me.

    World War I, World War II (both wars we did the vast majority of the heavy lifting in the pacific), nearly half a century protecting Western Europe from the Soviets, Bosnia-Serbia...etc. And what do we get for all that? Armchair British kids who don't know their ass from Ak-47 going around calling American soldiers and Marines pussies. I'm not trashing British troops. Unlike some of the cunts in this thread, I have tremendous respect for our allies troops. I think they're wonderful.

    I dunno.....maybe some people are actually just being ignorant..but I'm just having banter. I'm not going to get all emotional and defensive about the army, soldiers or what they do etc...I have respect for them but either way I'd rather just have the banter Laughing

    I think everybody here knows I enjoy a good banter as much as the next guy but this is one subject where I get decidedly unbanterful (if that's a world). I have my own personal reasons for that.

    Lux wrote:

    Sure, but it's their decision rather than their duty.

    I might be joining the Army anyway Neutral.....not front line though I don't want to be cowering under attacks when mortars strike lol!

    Good luck man. If you do have to dodge mortar, you can bet your ass I won't be posting videos of you and trying to call you a pussy. As long as you're in the line of fire, you'll have my upmost respect.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Lux Sat May 07, 2011 10:27 pm

    menalawyerguy wrote:Good luck man. If you do have to dodge mortar, you can bet your ass I won't be posting videos of you and trying to call you a pussy. As long as you're in the line of fire, you'll have my upmost respect.

    If I did join it'd be a technical IT kind of role. I dunno..maybe I'd still be in the line of fire sometimes but it wouldn't exactly be my prerogative.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Cadbury Sat May 07, 2011 10:29 pm

    menalawyerguy wrote:
    Cadbury wrote:America did fuck all in World War I.
    And it's not like you came in to help us and France. You came in because of the Zimmerman telegram.
    That doesn't count.

    Ah ok. So since our motive wasn't to your liking, we get no credit. And what about our exploits in the Pacific, where were did 85% of the work? Means fuck all? respect
    The Pacific was your war. Our army wasn't big enough to fight in two theaters so we just defended places like Burma and Singapore the best we could. Anyway, the British Empire got heavily involved.
    We focused our efforts in Europe because we were at risk of invasion. Had we not been victorious in the Battle of Britain we would have been. Goes to show, we can't fight in two places at once unlike you.
    We didn't need to get involved in the Pacific anyway. It;s on the other side of the world and we had India and Austrailia there.

    I'm not disrespecting the US. I'm just saying, their effect in World War I was minimal, so you can't say that you 'saved' us, when we were alreadt starting to drive Germany back.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by mac Sat May 07, 2011 10:41 pm

    Zzonked wrote:
    Yeah I agree. I think a lot of English people have an inferiority complex about America so feel the need to take shots wherever they can.

    I have to completely agree with this. Banter is one thing but sometimes this issue becomes apparent.

    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 10:45 pm

    Britain > America.


    America > Britain.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by dena Sat May 07, 2011 11:40 pm

    How did we reach the consensus that British soilders are better trained than Americans, maybing I'm missing something here, not trying to start a huge thing, but... yeah. Neutral Neutral

    Either way, as someone who believes that the 9/11 attacks came from AQ and not the US, I do believe in the fact that our solders fight for our freedom, as they've done since the 1700s. I also recognize the fact that the US has gone into MANY different conflicts with self interests in mind (Iran, Iraq, Contras etc.) but when shit hits the fan our solders have come through to fight for us (Revolution, WW2, Civil War, whatever) as someone who experienced the aftermath of 9/11 and lived through it, I can clearly say that our freedom was compromised, at least our sense of it. The tourism usually generated by NY was cut severely, people were afraid to take trains/plains, etc. knowing that the security levels were raised and police were near major hubs did help bring a sense of normalcy back relatively quickly. To say that these guys don't fight for us would be wrong.

    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 11:43 pm

    i dont understand why we are arguing nover somthing so stupid there both have the best training in the world and both countries have beinfited from each other and i would shit myself if i was being attackted by mortors those british soliders have proberly been attacked by morters several times so they are use to it
    oh and SAS>SEALS

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Lux Sat May 07, 2011 11:47 pm

    dena wrote:How did we reach the consensus that British soilders are better trained than Americans, maybing I'm missing something here, not trying to start a huge thing, but... yeah. Neutral Neutral

    Either way, as someone who believes that the 9/11 attacks came from AQ and not the US, I do believe in the fact that our solders fight for our freedom, as they've done since the 1700s. I also recognize the fact that the US has gone into MANY different conflicts with self interests in mind (Iran, Iraq, Contras etc.) but when shit hits the fan our solders have come through to fight for us (Revolution, WW2, Civil War, whatever) as someone who experienced the aftermath of 9/11 and lived through it, I can clearly say that our freedom was compromised, at least our sense of it. The tourism usually generated by NY was cut severely, people were afraid to take trains/plains, etc. knowing that the security levels were raised and police were near major hubs did help bring a sense of normalcy back relatively quickly. To say that these guys don't fight for us would be wrong.

    Tbh after the London Bombings people were back on public transport the next day.

    Posts : 18688
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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by dena Sat May 07, 2011 11:50 pm

    Same here, but I'd say 9/11 was a bigger attack than the London bombings, wouldn't you? People still went about doing there thing after a few days of cleanup and whatever, but you could sense the nervousness around, as I'm sure anyone would after an attack like that.

    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 11:53 pm

    Fighting for our freedom? They're fighting for oil. Nothing more.

    Anyway, the America and the World Wars argument is flawed anyway. Their late-coming only sped up the end of the wars, they would have been won anyway.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Lux Sat May 07, 2011 11:56 pm

    dena wrote:Same here, but I'd say 9/11 was a bigger attack than the London bombings, wouldn't you? People still went about doing there thing after a few days of cleanup and whatever, but you could sense the nervousness around, as I'm sure anyone would after an attack like that.

    Well, when they first said there had been bombs I was pretty concerned because my dad works at The Home Office in central London....which isn't that unlikely a target.

    I'd be more concerned about bombs on the London transport I use quite often rather than a plane crashing into me tbh.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by El_indian Sun May 08, 2011 12:21 am

    dena wrote:How did we reach the consensus that British soilders are better trained than Americans, maybing I'm missing something here, not trying to start a huge thing, but... yeah. Neutral Neutral

    Either way, as someone who believes that the 9/11 attacks came from AQ and not the US, I do believe in the fact that our solders fight for our freedom, as they've done since the 1700s. I also recognize the fact that the US has gone into MANY different conflicts with self interests in mind (Iran, Iraq, Contras etc.) but when shit hits the fan our solders have come through to fight for us (Revolution, WW2, Civil War, whatever) as someone who experienced the aftermath of 9/11 and lived through it, I can clearly say that our freedom was compromised, at least our sense of it. The tourism usually generated by NY was cut severely, people were afraid to take trains/plains, etc. knowing that the security levels were raised and police were near major hubs did help bring a sense of normalcy back relatively quickly. To say that these guys don't fight for us would be wrong.

    But most don't join the army to "fight for freedom" - it's just spun to be all patriotic.

    Many people drafted for the earlier Wars actually hated War themselves, but you didn't have a choice - freedom?

    Also how about the freedoms of civilians living in War areas (those of which the US are apart of) - the suffer over decades - irony much

    Last edited by El_indian on Sun May 08, 2011 12:35 am; edited 3 times in total

    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 12:22 am

    Why do Amercia send there officers over to Britian to train with the best hehe

    Posts : 3473
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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by CollieBuddz Sun May 08, 2011 12:26 am

    I heard an American on TV say once that all American soldiers are given a card that says something like:

    Do not fight with the British.
    Do not drink with the British.
    There was another one I forgot.

    You WILL lose.

    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 12:35 am

    Mustangt125 wrote:
    The-Reporter wrote:
    Mustangt125 wrote:I'd like to see whoever titled that video in combat.

    Fuckin faggot.
    Well if he was a faggot he would act just like the ones in the video...

    Youre obviously mistaken. The faggot is the one typing as a tough guy behind a screen with his freedom that they protect while in the line of fire.

    You are obviously being a dumb cunt like usual.

    Know your roll and shut your mouth.

    Ungrateful bitch.
    Who's ungreatfull? None of them have done anything for me.

    menalawyerguy wrote:
    The-Reporter wrote:British Soldiers

    American soldiers

    I thought the American marines were supposed to be tough?

    Fuck off. You find one anecdotal video which can't be authenticated, with no context and on that basis you are trying to make Americans look bad so armchair pussies like James can come in and laugh at guys in war. How pathetically derisive and trollish. And to top it off, you don't even know the difference between a soldier and marine.
    Actually that was just being lazy. My best friend since we were at school is a Royal Marine and everytime we go out and he meets a soldier from the army they have real beef as if they are against each other.

    Also it was him who had this video on his facebook and him and his fellow marines were saying things like "wouldn't want to be in battle with them fucking women". One of them said "The lads should have called in an airstrike but the yanks would have put it on their heads".

    Fact is they are in battle and trained to be there and supposed to be tough and they are all acting like civillians.

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    British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack.. - Page 2 Empty Re: British Soldiers and American Soldiers under attack..

    Post by Cadbury Sun May 08, 2011 4:59 am

    The fact that British troops recieve better training is clear. US tropps recieve a few months of training, British recieve about 8/10 apparently.

    On a sidenote, I'd say Gurkahs are the best soldiors due to their mentality and courage.

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