by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:23 am
Templeton7|RFC wrote: The Maestro wrote:What the fuck
When has he ever mocked the Ibrox disaster you zoomer
John DC Gow @JohnDCGow
Alex Thomson mocking the dead. RT @alextomo: "This should amuse all fans of all colours who've a sense of humour "
Then he claimed he didn't know.
Chris Graham @ChrisGraham76
@alextomo You were aware. You've stood beside statue. You pander to bigots every day, why not leave the tweet as a testament to your idiocy?
Vile human being.
You're a fucking lunatic
He Rt'd a gif which mocked the motto "We don't do walking away" and the fact John Greig quit Ibrox. It was the John Greig statue outside Ibrox walking away.
Thomson thought it was funny as well and RT'd it.
The statue is on top of a memorial for Ibrox disaster. Big fucking woop. The gif had nothing to do with the Ibrox disaster yet you crazy cunts use that to try and make other people look bad. Sick cunts.
Here's the gif