Want contacts though.
Or laser eye surgery when I'm rich.
Last edited by Danny on Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total
polska. wrote:Shit, when'd you turn 18?Jamieb08 wrote:
He's a college boy now bless they're all growing up.....
You were like 14 3 years ago.
Jack wrote:BengyBoo...
Ben wrote:Me. That polo is sexy.
Jack wrote:I'm such a great guy.
I bet you're dying to know what the link was to.
ResurrectionRooney wrote:If only there was some way of typing it into our address bar.
Jack wrote:I'm such a great guy.
I bet you're dying to know what the link was to.
Jack wrote:I'm such a great guy.
I bet you're dying to know what the link was to.
Jack wrote:ResurrectionRooney wrote:If only there was some way of typing it into our address bar.
ShamelessSmith YouTube pro!
Ben wrote:Jack wrote:I'm such a great guy.
I bet you're dying to know what the link was to.
She just shouted to me, "Ben that weird guy is speaking to me again."
Jack wrote:Ben wrote:
She just shouted to me, "Ben that weird guy is speaking to me again."
Oh really....
ResurrectionRooney wrote:Jack you are behaving like a cunt, this why I never give my personal details out to people on this forum.
Jack wrote:ResurrectionRooney wrote:Jack you are behaving like a cunt, this why I never give my personal details out to people on this forum.
Nah, me and Ben are like this all the time, but usually on Facebook chat.
Jack wrote:ResurrectionRooney wrote:Jack you are behaving like a cunt, this why I never give my personal details out to people on this forum.
Nah, me and Ben are like this all the time, but usually on Facebook chat.
ThisSean wrote:Jack your such a weirdo, you just don't do that.