by Phadunkin Donuts Sun May 27, 2012 8:15 am
Keanoo wrote: N wrote:Keanoo.. you're right about IF R Johnson, IF Carrick. But IF Sess is just.. nothing that amazing; at CF or CAM.
I really don't know if I can ditch IF Balotelli.. he's just so beastly.
Just need to figure out my CAM/CF issues now.
2 out of 3 isn't bad.
What don't you like about Sess though?
He doesn't seem to do much for me. Played two matches with him.. and he seemed to get overwhelmed each time he had the ball, and it looked as though he was outmuscled every single time.. and put off balance. Do you happen to know his balance and strength stats? What's his workrate? It seemed off. Honestly, I haven't been able to get a shot off with him yet
. I know you speak highly of him.. and so does the entire EA forum... so I'll give him another go later [after he is done with his 3 game injury] He has the shot power, etc.. just don't know why he's not giving me the 'OMFG I GOT A HATTRICK IN 30 SECONDS HES THE BEST IN DA GAME' feeling.