I have made this club because Serpent FC will not be active anymore. We are a friendly club, who accepts anyone, regardless of who they are and the rating of their player. The main objective of the club is to enjoy ourselves and have fun whilst playing.
If you would like to join Playmaker FC, please complete the following form which should not take longer than a minute or two:
Forum Name:
PSN Name:
What times can you play?:
What postion you would like to play:
When you have completed the form, I will then send you an invite to join the club.
If you would like to join Playmaker FC, please complete the following form which should not take longer than a minute or two:
Forum Name:
PSN Name:
What times can you play?:
What postion you would like to play:
When you have completed the form, I will then send you an invite to join the club.