by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:09 pm
Jord wrote: Eternal Witcher wrote:
Sylar pretty much had the same ability though (right?), Peter was an awesome rival for him, not Hiro or Claire or whatever.
If I remember correctly Sylars ability wasn't that he could absorb other people powers. It was knowing 'How things work' so he could just 'understand' every power after he looked at somebody brain. That was really cool too
But then he turned into a good guy
That was fucking retarded. They could have just kept it as Sylar of the evil eyebrows bent on opening heads vs The enigmatic Peter Petrelli who can actually stand up to him in a fight, for the duration of the show. Just changing the lackeys around but keeping the dynamic the same, the bit when it became freaks vs outside world, that was also a stupid path.