by Lux Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:44 am
Mr. Hassard wrote: Lux wrote:I wish I left school at 16 tbh.
Why is that mate?
Because for me A Levels was shit. I only went to college because I didn't know what I wanted to do. I'd say by the time I was 12 I was completely bored with school. I was good at subjects... I think I could have done well had the approach been more varied for different people. I found barely any motivation..and I simply did not do homework and barely did coursework.
I have worked for a year or so now...and it definitely works much better for me. I wish I went onto an apprenticeship at now I would be set
. Unfortunately I went onto a shit IT apprenticeship course which was absolutely farcical. Learnt not much at practical at all...and I've been put into the most dire work placement ever (hence why I'm on these I have no work
). So I'm now looking for a new some leads but I have had many before, only to be told the same "not enough experience" bullshit.
That is what I would have liked to get out of school. Employers want you to have experience. Being a book nerd in school, college or uni does not get you doesn't necessarily prepare you for real life. All we ever did in school (except for D&T, Cooking and Textiles....
) was pretty much theory. Barely any emphasis on how to apply yourself in the workplace and learn stuff that's actually important. As good as I was at it...being great at maths has not done me much good (except for the grade...). Pretty much like I said at school...."What's the point of learning Maths unless you're going to teach it?". Save for the obvious basics....most of the advanced shit I learnt will never be useful in real life.
I still don't really know what I want to do..but sitting around in class doesn't help that's for sure. Games...computers...customer services...I'll probably end up skipping from job to job getting experience until I get one that's both enjoyable and pays well. Don't particularly care what it is